‘Live from the Artroturf’ premiere. Phoenix: April, 2019



Steve Gaddis (producer) Michael, Neal, and Alice

Dennis meets up with guys before show. Mark Bowman photo

MB, N$, AC. Julia Arrgh photo









                            WAITING FOR FILM PREMIERE

Rocking Reggie Vincent and Neal

Cindy Dunaway and Monica Lauer. Photo courtesy of Monica

Bob Davison, Ken Buxton, and janice Buxton-Davison. Flanked by fans Julia Arrgh and D Hillerman








Special seat reserved for Glen. Ken Buxton photo

Cheryl Cooper, Rose Westerbrook, Alice, and Monica Lauer. Ken Buxton photo

Neal Smith finds his seat! Photo by Monica Lauer


Cherly, Alice, and Dennis await the start of film.

Band members at Q and A after film









          THE NEXT DAY

Steve Gaddis (left) and Chris Penn (right) along with Dennis and Cindy Dunaway receive first place trophy at film festival. Thanks CTP

DD outside the Dune Lounge – one of the first venues played by the Earwigs




Part of the Alice Cooper display at the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix

Monica by Glen’s Reserved seat


Chris Penn and Paul Brenton outside the Dunes Lounge

Dennis and Cindy Dunaway and Lynette and Michael Bruce. Patrick Brzezinzki photo




Dennis inside the Dunes Lounge

Q and A after film. Photo by Patrick Brzezinski

Cindy and Dennis in front of Dennis’ boyhood home in Phoenix. Photo by Stephan Power



Dennis’ mom, Dennis, Bob and Janice Davison

Michael playing piano at Musical Instrument Museum. Tom Wallace photo

Mr. Penn and Mr. Brenton guarding artwork??? LOL

L-R: Jeanne Carney and Lavonne Baker. Two long time fans. It is rumored that Jeanne goes back to the VIP days.



Steve Gaddis (left), band members, Christopher Todd Penn (right) Photo by Julia Arrgh

Bob Davison’s business card

Alice Cooper fans in front of Dunes Lounge. Photo by Tom Wallace