Click on Pictures to Enlarge
January 2-5, 1969 – Whiskey A Go Go Hollywood, CA (open for Led Zeppelin)
“According to Alice Cooper, the two unknown bands (Zeppelin, Cooper) flipped a coin the first night to see who would go on first. Jimmy Page does not remember that specifically, but agreed that such decisions were often decided this casually between bands.”
Neal talks about the finale being a song called Animal Pajamas?

The band backstage at the Whisky, during the January performance with Led Zeppelin. Photo by Monica Lauer.
January 6-8, 1969– [at the Whisky still] Buddy Miles Express, Alice Cooper
Led Zeppelin was replaced the last few days by Buddy Miles as a number of band members got the flu.

L-R: Mike Allen, Dick Christian, and Charlie Carnal backstage at the Whisky. 1969. Photo by Monica Lauer.
Jan 1969 – Boulder, CO. University of Boulder ?
Jan 1969 – Salt Lake City, UT ?
Late Jan. 1969 – Band Equipment stolen.
Michael Bruce Letter(AC Stationary):
“Hello, again, I meant to write sooner but we’ve had many things to do. Last night we got some new equipment for the amps that were stolen with our truck. We are getting some new clothes and some props that we’ll be using on stage.
During Feb 7th we are going to be in Denver with Iron Butterfly and Steve Miller. Then from there we are going to Aspen, CO from the ninth to sixteenth, then back to the Whiskey (sic) with Blue Cheer. I hope we’ll be coming to Albque in March or April. We have just signed with Creative Management Associates, who handle the “Cream” and “Jimi” and all the stars like Alice Cooper. They’re sending us on a tour of twelve cities”
Above photo by Ed Caraeff – early 1969.
Feb 7, 1969 – Denver, CO (w/Iron Butterfly, Steve Miller)(Bruce letter). Neither the Iron Butterfly nor the Steve Miller Band concert lists mention this date. ?
Feb 9-16, 1969 – Aspen, CO. A Michael Bruce letter and a short blurb in the AZ Republic paper mention this. AZ Republic Feb 16th – “The Alice Cooper conglomeration has just wound up a two-week gig in Denver. Colo. Beginning tomorrow evening our boys will share a six-day billing with Blue Cheer at the Whiskey-a-go-go.”
Feb 19-23, 1969 – Whisky, LA (w/Linda Ronstadt) Blue Cheer cancelled – Replaced by Ronstadt
Sometime during February/March of 1969…photographer Ed Caraeff did a photo shoot with the band in the LA area. Below are some of the shots taken of the band during that (those) shoot:
LAX building used for photo shoot (above) Ed Careff, Topanga Canyon photo (below)
March 7-8, 1969 – IDES Hall, Hayward, Calf. (w/Nimbus)
March 14, 1969 – The White Room, at 7311Orangethorpe, Buena Park, CA (w/ Stack, Red Moss Blues Band) Today there is a billiard hall/bar at 7311 Orangethorpe.
March 15, 1969 – Fullerton, CA Cal State Fullerton (w/ Zappa and the Mothers, Stack, Red Moss Blues Band)
March 16, 1969 – Speedway Meadows, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. Free concert. w/ MC5, Boogie, Birth, Last Mile, Sons of Champlin ?
A sliver of park at the far east end of Golden Gate Park, the Panhandle, lies north of Haight-Ashbury, and it was the site of the Human Be-In of 1967, preceding the Summer of Love. The tradition of large, free public gatherings in the park continues to the present.

Pin made in SF. Owned by Dennis Dunaway. (Photo came bwo Michael Allen). L-R Glen, Dennis, Alice, Charlie Carnal and lady up front.
Mar 1969 – Reflected/Living promo released Alice Cooper Reflected 1969
March 17, 1969 – Thee Experience (w/Slim Harpo)
March 21-22, 1969 – Eye-earn Try-Angle – Seaside Monterey (Unverified) ?
March 26-27, 1969 – Thee Experience, LA – (w/ Slim Harpo, Rockin’ Foo)
Thee Experience was located at 7551 Sunset Blvd, on the Sunset Srip in Hollywood. Owner, Marshal Brevitz hired someone to paint the exterior to an enlarged portrait of Jimi Hendrix with the front door as his mouth.
March 28th 1969 – Long Beach (scheduled)?
March 29, 1969 – Tucson, Arizona (scheduled)?
March 30, 1969 – Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (part of Rockarama Show w/ Pure Funk, Youngbloods, A.B.Sky, Initial Shock) Bootleg CD made of this show
Santa Monica Blvd, LA. Photos by Ed Caraeff
April 1, 1969 – Monterey Fairgrounds Monterey, CA (w/ Womb, Sideminders)
Early April, 1969 – Pop Expo at the Hollywood Palladium in Hollywood, CA. A week long event (March 28-April 5). The band played in early April. Lots of other bands performed on multiple stage. Jimi Hendrix was present.
April 11, 1969 – Stanford Univ, Stanford (scheduled – but unlikely it happened) ????
April 12, 1969 Billboard reported that Zappa and Herb Cohen have formed Straight Records and that the first release will be a single by Alice Cooper “released in about two weeks” to be followed by an album 2 weeks after that. —Pretties For You—
April 18, 1969 – Agrodome, Vancouver, British Columbia (Mothers of Invention, Guess Who) below
Agrodome in Vancouver, 1970s
April 19, 1969 — Seattle – Seattle Center Arena (w/ Mothers Of Invention, Guess Who)
Seattle Center Arena. (Mercer Arena – today)
April 25-26, 1969 – Paramount Theater, Phoenix, Ariz. ?
There are several theaters in the Phoenix area that have gone by the name of “Paramount”. This MIGHT be the one the band played those two nights.
May 2, 1969 – Old Mill – Salt Lake City, Utah. (Crestwood Valley)
The Old Mill, managed by Ed Huntsman, was a favorite haunt of the locals. Alice Cooper played there for $700.00, sleeping on Huntsman’s floor, because the band was too broke to afford a motel room. (They just got payed $700….and couldn’t afford some hotel rooms? Geez, what were they charging for hotel rooms in SLC back in the 60’s???)
The Salt Lake Police raided the club about a month before the Alice Cooper band played there. Police used tear gas to disperse ground and arrested about 19 people.
Old Mill photos by Brian C. Record

Here is a 1969 photo of the Old Mill near Salt Lake City. There has just been a police raid. Tear gas was used to disperse kids
May 7, 1969 – Kelker Junction, Colorado Springs, CO, Concert Hall
Questionable: Early May, 1969 – Some sites list the band playing with the MC5 in Philadelphia sometime in early May. The MC5 did play at Temple University on the 9th of May….but a review of the show does not mention Alice Cooper.

A Jon Sargent article in the Arizona Republic, on May 4, said the AC band was going to open for Dylan – they never did.
May 10 and or 11, 1969 – Boulder, Colorado. UMC Ballroom
May 13, 1969 – Boulder, CO, Skunk Creek Inn (w/Zephyr)
May 16-17, 1969 – Black Dome – Cincinnati, Ohio
Former location of Black Dome. Vine St and Calhoun St, Cincinnati,, Ohio
May 20, 1969 – Chicago, IL – Kinetic Playground. 4812 N. Clark Street, Chicago
The Kinetic Playground was a short-lived nightclub located in the Uptown neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. In its short existence, many well known bands performed there. Modern stores and apartment buildings sit there today.
May 23, 1969 – Phoenix, AZ, Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum (w/ Iron Butterfly) – a later article in AZ Republic
… “Arizona State Fairgrounds is where the Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum is located. Alice Cooper opened the concert for Iron Butterfly.
Iron Butterfly was considered a very HEAVY band, remember this was before Led Zeppelin and around the time of the initial exposure to Black Sabbath. Many people have trivialized Iron Butterfly as being pop or bubblegum. If one is studying history, one does not see it unfold as it happened, but as it has been interpreted. Iron Butterfly displayed heavy like a 30 pound sledge striking a red hot anvil that night. They had to because they were following a wild, loud and animated Alice Cooper!
The band had gone from scruffy high school kids playing covers of the Rolling Stones and Kinks, to a professional outfit with actual costumes and a real stage show.
Glen showed me a Gibson SG guitar and it had been repainted a wild candy apply turquoise. Further he broke up a mirror and glued those reflective pieces to the guitar. This made it sparkle and shoot light like a disco ball. There was slight talk about him getting cuts from the sharp edges. On reflection I understand better now, just how innovative and forward thinking those friends of my youth were. This was long before GLAM. Let nobody say they were not smarter than the average bear. Personally, I think this hipness was a by product of years of exposure to Wallace and Ladmo. The Tubes were friends and contemporaries and also organized elaborate and outrageous stage shows. Maybe it was something in the water from the Salt River, because this was not what every band was achieving in 1966-1970.
On a personal note, These guys were genuine and friendly. They treated everybody with humanity and respect. They were nice people. I am glad to have been there to know them and watch their rise from obscurity to the legends they are now. They took the risk and starved in L.A. as so many have done. They lived their dream. They deserve the immortality which they now own.”
(Chuck “Tangerine” Warriner, August 2010)
According to one Iron Butterfly fan site, Glen joined the Butterfly, on stage, for their final song – ‘Possession’.
Late May or Early June, 1969 – Band stays at Allison Hotel in Greenwich Village. Glen loses guitar. ?
May 30-31 and June 1, 1969 – Electric Theatre – Pittsburgh, PA (also called S.M.A.P.)
6117 Broad Street in the East Liberty neighborhood of Pittsburgh. It was Pittsburgh’s first Psychedelic Theatre complete with a “Liquid Light Show”.
May 31, 1969 – Press release in ‘Record World’ states:
“Alice Cooper, Straight Record’s five-member, all-male group are set to begin a cross-country tour starting June 3rd and continuing until the beginning of July
Sometime during early 1969, photographer Ed Careaff did a photo shoot with the band at an art gallery on La Cienega Blvd in West Hollywood. The first three pictures below are some of the photos taken at that time.
June 1969 – Pretties For You released. AZ Republic review:
(Questionable) June 3, 1969 – Salt Lake City, Utah – would seeming be odd for the band to slide a trip to Utah between shows in Pennsylvania and NYC…but there would have been open days. No venue is known but, supposedly, this photo exists from this trip to Salt Lake….
June 6-7, 1969 – New York, NY Felt Forum (w/ The Platters, The McCoys, Ten Wheel Drive)(Tour itinerary, advert) Felt Forum – Later famous for WWF wrestling.
June 11, 1969 – New York, NY Steve Paul’s The Scene (w/ The McCoys) 301 W. 46th Street
June 12, 1969 – New York, NY Steve Paul’s The Scene (w/ Slim Harpo)
Review of June 12 show at the Scene – Billboard Magazine
June 28, 1969
Alice Cooper Drives Its Message Home
Fred Kirby
“New York – Alice Cooper, a musically driving and visually exciting act, had a strong first set at Steve Paul’s Scene on June 12. The Straight Records artists, performing in gaudy outfits to a psychedelic light show, overpowered their materials at times, but where always interesting.
The evening also saw the return of Slim Harpo to the club. The Excello artist sang some of his top numbers, including the rhythmic “I’m a Bee King” and the country blues “Rainin’ in My Heart,” always one of his best numbers, not only for his singing, but also for his expert work on harmonica. He was backed by a new group, House, which opened the set with three numbers.
It’s difficult to tell how much of Alice Cooper is a put-on, although “Nobody Likes Me,” the put-on was obvious. Here, the lead singer, who also calls himself Alice Cooper, bemoaned his fate while singing through the grill of a door, while guitarist Mike Bruce and bass guitarist Dennis Dunaway argued to the contrary.
Even his essentially slower numbers had hard elements, a major instrumental ingredient of the quintet, which also drove itself through “Sing Low Sweet Cheerio”, “B.B.On Mars”, “Reflected”, and “No Longer Umpire”, which are Straight. Bruce shared vocals with Cooper, with the album’s “Reflected” being a good duet for them. However, the vocals often were obscured by the unit’s big sound.
The group offered one long number, “Don’t Blow Your Mind Like We Did Last Summer,” to end up. This afforded good solos for lead guitarist Glen Buxton and Bruce. Drummer Neal Smith’s solo was a wild affair. Smith’s strong beat on a double drum set were vocal throughout. But here he pounded at his instrument, rose and beat the cymbals to submission before collapsing at the front of the stage. Cymbals and part of the light show apparatus went over. It was a wild ending for a wild group.”
[The band move into the Hotel Edgar, around the corner from The Allison, where Glen’s suitcase was stolen!]
June 13-14, 1969 – Philadelphia, PA Electric Factory, [w/Edison Electric or MC5]. 2201 Arch Street
Edison Electric may have replaced MC5
[The Band move to the Chelsea Hotel for 4 days. ]
June 15-17, 1969 – New York, NY [Steve Paul’s] The Scene (three nights) – An advert exists that says Chicago Transit Authority were at this venue 16th-18th June.
June 20, 1969 – Fillmore Room at the University of New York (SUNY) Buffalo. Possible Mothers of Invention on bill
Thank you Dennis Dunaway \for newspaper clipping
The article below is by Ken Morphy and appeared in “The Spectrum” June 27 1969, Titled “An experience in total sound.” Based on his experience at the Fillmore Room show. THANK YOU MICHAEL ALLEN. CLICK TO ENLARGE
June 21, 1969 -Toronto Pop Festival, Varsity Stadium, Toronto, Canada. AC added as a replacement for another band on Saturday the 21st. 299 Bloor Street West, Toronto Ontario
Four photos from the Toronto show…
All or some of the above photos may have been taken by Terry Gadsden
June 27,28,29, 1969 – Denver Pop Festival – Denver, Colo. Announced – did not attend
June 26,27,28 1969 – Boston Tea Party. 53 Berkeley Street (w/Chicago Transit Authority)
From Wikipedia: The Boston Tea Party was a concert venue located on 53 Berkeley Street (later relocated to 15 Lansdowne Street in the former site of competitor, The Ark) in Boston, Massachusetts. It operated only from 1967 and closed in early 1971, due partly to the increasing cost of hiring bands who were playing more and more at large outdoor festivals and arena rock concerts.
July 1, 1969 – Central Theater, Passaic, N.J (w/ Hampton Grease band) – 2 shows
July 3, 1969 – Reed’s Ranch, Colorado Springs, Colorado (w/ Grateful Dead).
This was actually a two day event (3rd and 4th). I am not sure which day Alice Cooper performed and whether or not it was on the same day as the Grateful Dead.
July 4-5, 1969 – New York Pop Festival, Roosevelt Raceway, New York (w/ Zappa) Used as a harness racing track from 1940-1988.
July 5, 1969 – Saugatuck Pop Festival, Potawatoomi Beach, Michigan. (w/ Brownsville Station, WMP, Stooges, Rotary Connection, John Lee Hooker, Muddy Waters, MC5, SRC, Arthur Brown). ACG beaten up by bikers? Ended up in hospital?
(Poster By Carl Lundgren)
July 9, 1969 – Dubuque, Iowa, Senior High Gymnasium (with Vanilla Fudge. Bob Segar System) – New Report: Only 1072 tickets sold for 3,500 seater venue. Promoters lost money.
*Somewhere around here, The band land in a motel Detroit on Jefferson Street/Gratiot Ave in Detroit (with Carnel and Allen).
July 11-12, 1969 – Kinetic Playground w/Pentangel, Spirit. 4812 N. Clark Street, Chicago
Wikipedia: The Kinetic Playground was a short-lived nightclub located in the Uptown neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois.
The club was opened on April 3, 1968 as the Electric Theater by Aaron Russo and was located at 4812 N. Clark Street (NW corner of Clark and Lawrence). The building was constructed in 1928 and at one time included a dance hall, entertainment center, and ice and roller skating rinks, all known as Rainbo Gardens. Russo was sued by the owners of the Electric Circus in New York, and changed the club’s name a few months after the Chicago club’s opening, on August 9, 1968. The venue closed at the end of 1969. It served several other uses until the building was torn down in 2003. Aaron Russo was also involved with the Eastown Theater in Detroit – a place the Alice Cooper band played often.
July 13, 1969 – Minneapolis, MN Tyrone Guthrie Theater (w/ Zappa and the Mothers)
Tyrone Guthrie Theater
July 19, 1969 – JD’s – Phoenix, AZ.
Date may be later in the year as there is a possible conflict with a band date in Sacremento, opening for the Steve Miller Band. It is even possible this show was before July.
J.D.’s (sometimes called ”JD’s at the Riverbottom”) Scottsdale, AZ – The Riverbottom Room was the downstairs basement in J.Ds that housed the rock bands, while the upstairs had mainly country acts until mid ’68 when the booking policy changed to allow larger pop/rock acts to play upstairs. The club is closely associated with country singer Waylon Jennings (he did not own it).
Janice Buxton: “….I have that picture of Glen with the pink guitar. My dad took the picture when the boys came back from LA one time and played at JD’s.”
(JD’s is long gone – a furniture store now sits on the site at Scottsdale Rd, south of Curry Rd.)
July 19th 1969 Memorial Auditorium, Sacramento, CA (w/ Steve Miller Band.)
There is also a mention in the Sacramento Bee 13th July 1969) that Alice Cooper will be opening for The Steve Miller Blue Band at the Memorial Auditorium this date.
“The Steve Miller Band, formerly known as the Steve Miller Blues Band, will give a pop rock concert Saturday at 8.30pm in the Memorial Auditorium under the sponsorship of Tower Productiosn. The Alice Cooper Band will be the opening act in the Steve Miller concert. A creation of Frank Zappa, the group is led by a boy who claims to be half male, half female, and the reincarnation of a 17th century witch. He usually wears both a dress and slacks.”
Below is a very negative review of the Alice Cooper Band, confirming the band was there.
July 20, 1969 – Band in auto accident. Story by van driver/roadie, MICHAEL ALLEN: “Yesterday I was reminiscing about the accident on 4/12/1968 that occurred on the L.A. freeway while driving to our home in Topanga Canyon. We finally got a new/old van after months of waiting for the insurance settlement. I guess now is a good time to tell you I destroyed that van too in spectacular fashion heading down Interstate 5 south from San Francisco on 7/20/1969. I made the newspaper again. At the time, I was getting more press coverage than the band.”
July 25-27, 1969 – First Seattle Pops Festival, Gold Creek Park, Woodinville, WA (near Seattle) AC band played on the 25th in order to travel to Eugene, OR, in order to play there the next day.
First Seattle Pop Festival 1969 (Address: 15690 148th Ave, Woodinville, WA)
On July 25, 1969 – Boyd Grafmyre stages the Seattle Pop Festival, held at Gold Creek Park in Woodinville, northeast of Seattle. Over the next three days, 25 musicians and groups perform, including Chuck Berry, Black Snake, Tim Buckley, The Byrds, Chicago Transit Authority, Albert Collins, Crome Syrcus, Bo Diddley, the Doors, Floating Bridge, The Flock, The Flying Burrito Brothers, Guess Who, It’s A Beautiful Day, Led Zeppelin, Charles Loyd, Lonnie Mack, Lee Michaels, Rockin Fu, Murray Roman, Santana, Spirit, Ten Years After, Ike & Tina Turner, Vanilla Fudge, Alice Cooper, and the Youngbloods. Tickets for the event went for $6 a day or $15 for all three. More than 50,000 rock fans attended over the three days. Since crowds were larger than expected, extra water and food had to be hauled in on Sunday. Sanitary facilities were inadequate, but every attempt was made to meet county requirements.
July 26, 1969 – Eugene, OR Eugene Pop Festival [Fame Expo ’69]; Hayward Field, University of Oregon (with the Doors, Youngbloods, Byrds, Them) – Alice Cooper received approx $350 for the performance. Located at 1580 E. 15th Avenue in Eugene, OR
[Byrds and Youngbloods cancelled)
Alice Cooper $350 for this performance at Eugene. Doors – $12,500.
July 27, 1969 – Eugene, OR, Eugene Armory (w/ Steve Miller Band, Searching Soul Blues Band)
Alice Cooper Band held off thousands of warring barbarians from the ramparts of this structure in July of 1969.
July 29-30, 1969 – Portland, Oregon – Masonic Temple (w/ Steve Miller, Total Eclipse). The Portland Masonic Temple is now the site of the Marks Bldg at 1119 SW Park Avenue, Portland
Aug 3, 1969 – Mt. Clemens, MI Sportsman’s Park (Mt. Clemens Pop Festival) eyewitness suggests Alice was too drunk to perform.
August 8-9, 1969 – Eastown Theater, Detroit, MI (w/ Savage Grace, All The Lonely People). First of many appearances here.
GB at one of the band’s Eastown gigs. Photos by Frank Pettis
Aug 13, 1969 – London Ontario, Wonderland Gardens – Wonderland Pop Festival DAY #1. (w/ Frank Zappa and The Mothers Of Invention, The Funky Parliaments, Terry and The Pyrates)
Aug 14, 1969 – London Ontario, Wonderland Gardens – Wonderland Pop Festival DAY #2. (w/ Cat Mother &The All Night News Boys, The Nice, Rock Show Of The Yeoman, The Stone Soul Kitchen)
Review in the London Free Press, August 15, 1969. The headline reads “Wonderland ‘rocked’ by pop festival”. The festival ran 13th and 14th Aug.
Alice Cooper gets the biggest mention in the review:
“Alice Cooper stomped on a metal satchel, speared the big bass drum, threw microphones and stands on the stage, drummed out all the violent motions of war, and died.
“It was a groovy scene. And it happened in London.
“Alice Cooper–it’s the name of a light-popping, five-man rock group from Arizona–was one of six groups on stage Thursday at Wonderland, wrapping up London’s first pop festival.”
Aug 21, 1969 – Eugene, OR Eugene Armory(w/ The Truth) Return performance? OR Makeup performance? See July 27, 1969.
Aug 22 – 24, 1969 – Vancouver Pop Festival, Paradise Valley Resort, Squamish, BC(w/ Chicago Transit Authority, Grateful Dead, The Byrds, Guess Who, Canned Heat, the Rascals, Poco, Chambers Brothers, Grass Roots, Sony Terry and Brownie McGhee and others)
Below: Story of show by Dennis Dunaway:
Dr. Dreary’s Magnificent Time Machine is set to this date August 22, 1969. “We landed in Vancouver, then took a limo to a sea plane. That took off and landed on water. From there we took a helicopter that flew high above the majestic mountain range. The chopper stopped mid air, then slowly descended straight down and landed next to a barrel where the pilot re-fueled. Then we took off and flew to the Seattle Pop Festival, which was being held in Canada remotely away from outside interference. And so the festival was free to do anything they liked. Someone came around to the band cabins with a pillow case full of party favors. Anything and everything anyone might want. Groupies were plentiful. Music for three days. We followed the Chamber’s Brothers, who finished their set with their iconic “Time Has Come Today.” A naked girl jumped on stage and Glen played a guitar break while gyrating the headstock of his guitar between her legs. She seemed thrilled as the crowd cheered.”
Aug 26, 1969 – The Carrawee Ballroom, Flat Rock, MI (W/The Excells) Near the Flat Rock Speedway. Address was 13638 Telegraph Road, Woohaven, MI ?
1. The old address points to the picture below as the current occupant (F.O.E. Bldg) However; the Carrawee Ballroom was also listed as being 4 miles south of the Flat Rock Speedway, which is still at the same location. The address (and building) pictured is only about one mile south of the speedway. It is possible that address numbers were changed at some point and the exact location may be hard to determine.
2. Interesting story about the Carrawee. During the month of August in 1969, Ted Nugent was conducting his quest to prevent his “butt” from being drafted into the army. He claimed that for two weeks before his army physical he ate unhealthy foods, took drugs and crapped his pants without cleaning himself. An Amboy Dukes fan matched up Ted’s ‘crap-fest’ with dates the band played during this two week period. One of their gigs was at the Carrawee Ballroom….just one week before Alice Cooper performed there. For the bands sake, I sure hope they had a supply of Lysol at the Carrawee!
August 1969 (lasted two weeks) – Toronto CNE, Galaxi Youth Pavillion – presumably this would be close to the known Vancouver date. The Advert says “from the Coke Cola stage four times daily during the CNN” and lists lots of bands”. Inconclusive evidence on this possible show ?
August 30, 1969 – The Silverbell Hideout, Clarkston, MI(w/ The Sunday Funnies) Part of a sking area and lodge, this venue was near the famous Pine Knob (DTE) Music Theater in Auburn Hills, MI. Once located somewhere near Bald Mt. Road and Dutton Road, the ski lodge/Hideout are long gone….even the “mountain” is gone used for fill to level ground when the surrounding area became a site for homes and business in the 80’s.
….Here is a definite – “can’t be two places at once” problem –
August 30, 1969 – Salem, OR State Fair (w/ the Box Tops, Twice Together) UNLIKELY SHOW
Sept 5, 1969 – Grand Rapids, MI. Lothlorien, also called ‘‘The Place” was located at 632 Plymouth N.E. , between Leonard and Michigan streets. Built in E. Grand Rapids in 1912, as a dance/concert venue, it was moved to this location in 1955. After a stint as a roller-rink, it started hosting music again in 1961. It remained open through the 60’s….at times being called ‘The Psychedelic Shack’ and in 1969, it became the ‘Lothlorien’. The venue closed around 1971. and the building was demolished in 1974. Capacity was close to 2000.
The drummer of Phlegethon, Tommy Davis, says this about the AC concert: The Phlegethon also performed at the Place on both December 9, 1968 and January 27th of 1969. By September of 1969 the Place was renamed Lothlorien, and they opened for Alice Cooper at a concert there in the same month.
Rock and Roll Revival
September 13, 1969 – Toronto, Ontario Canada Varsity Stadium “Rock N Roll Revival” (w/ Doors, Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry, Gene Vincent, Bo Diddley, Little Richard, Junior Walker and the Allstars, Chicago Transit Authority, Doug Kershaw, Tony Joe White, Screaming Lord Sutch, Cat Mother & The Allnight Newsboys, Whiskey Howl, Nucleus, Milkwood, Plastic Ono Band (w/ John Lennon and Eric Clapton) THE CHICKEN SHOW
”The band also backed Gene Vincent in Toronto”
Link for part of show:
Sept 14, 1969 – Toledo, OH Raceway Park Toledo – THE TOLEDO POP FESTIVAL (w/ The Turtles, MC5, The Amboy Dukes, Alice Cooper, The Frost, SRC, The Pleasure Seekers, The Rationals, Savage Grace, Rush, The Früt, Life ) 5700 Telegraph Road near Alixis, Toledo, Ohio
The Cooper’s show was cut short by rowdy fans. Fans threw beer cans and other items on stage and at band members. Glen was hit in the knee by a thrown hammer. The band retreated behind the amplifiers and eventually got Glen bandaged and escaped the site in the bands station wagon. (Read pages 145-147 in Dennis Dunaway’s book Snakes, Guillotines and…….”)

What remains of Toledo Raceway Park. Show probably took place in center of raceway. Lake may not have been there at that time. 2011
Sept 1969 – Washington, DC Tom Donahue Caravan. Donahue was a SF radio DJ who also put together the Medicine Ball Caravan in 1971. Donahue is a member of the RnR HOF (deceased)
Me Alice: We Went to Washington DC for a concert and the Grateful Dead refused to let us use their sound system. Grace Slick insisted we be allowed to go on or she and Jefferson Airplane would refuse to play. Airplane sites list something with the Dead in Sept but no more info.
September 26, 1969: Gilligan’s Club – Buffalo, NY. 2525 Walden Ave. May have played this venue on other occasions.
???Somewhere around here the band return to LA and moved into 2001 North Ivar in Hollywood.
October 4, 1969 – Junior Chamber Of Commerce Fair at Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada. Two sets.
October 4 – Band returns to Phoenix briefly before heading back to Detroit. Article in Phoenix paper from October 5, 1969. Their ”two week” stay, turned into less than a week.
Oct 10, 1969 – Detroit, MI – Grande-Riviera Theater (with the Amboy Dukes, SRC) – possibly didn`t happen ? See November 1, 1969 as well.
Oct 11, 1969 – Detroit, MI, Grande – Riviera Theater (w/ The Who, Alice Cooper, Sky) This DID happen
GBMW2 Neal Smith recounts a story about Keith Moon. The band we’re supporting The Who at either The Eastown Theater or the Grande Ballroom, Detroit. During ‘Black Juju” Keith Moon was playing along perfectly behind a screen at the back of the stage.

The Who. On the night that Alice Cooper opened for them at the Grande-Riviera.Oct 10, 69
In the late 60’s, these two men played a major part in the Detroit rock scene. On the left is John Sinclair and on the right is Russ Gibb. Photo was taken in 2009, just outside the old Grande Ballroom. Check their stories out…very interesting life experiences for both men.
October 29, 1969 – Sign new contract with Straight Records.
October 30-November 2, 1969 – (not every night) San Francisco, CA Fillmore West (w/ It’s A Beautiful Day, Ike and Tina Turner)
Oct 31, 1969 – Detroit, MI Olympia Stadium – Black Magic Rock And Roll. (Billed as Arthur Brown, Timothy Leary, Frost (with Dick Wagner), Ralph Adams, Mystic Peter Hurkos, Amboy Dukes, Bonzo Dog Band, The Stooges, Coven, Pink Floyd, Savage Grace, Kim Fowley, Sky, Teegarden And Vanwinkle, Satan (himself), SRC, Frut, Bob Segar, All The Lonely People, Pleasure Seekers) – Alice Cooper was listed on the posters but did NOT play.
Eye Witness Randy Foley Kindly clarifies the situation: “I attended this concert. Called the Black Arts Rock‘n’Roll Festival, it was a fiasco, and a rip-off. Produced by shifty Mike Quatro, it touted Pink Floyd, Arthur Brown, the Bonzo Dog Band, and many of the Michigan bands, including Alice Cooper. I still have the original program and hand bill. And in the program, I wrote down the bands that played, in order. They were, in order from opener to closer: Plum Wine, Pluto, Ted Lucas, Frijid Pink, Früt, Teegarden and Van Winkle, The Stooges, Peter Hurkos, Sweetwater, SRC, Coven [set censored], Savage Grace [set aborted], The Frost [appeared, weren’t permitted to play], The Amboy Dukes [appeared, weren’t permitted to play].
As you can see, no Alice Cooper.”
It seems the band was unknowingly involved in a shady promotional scam created by noted Detroit music promoter Mike Quatro (brother of Suzi Quatro). Seems he billed a bunch of acts that never appeared for his Black Magic Concert on Oct 31. Article below tells some of the story
Oct/Nov 1969 – Easy Action recorded
Nov 1, 1969 – The Grande Riviera , Detroit, MI (w/ The Amboy Dukes, SRC, Richmond) Although some people claim they witnessed this show, there is no other evidence to support it. Since it appears to be the same lineup as the possible October 10 show, you have to wonder if this is a ‘make-up’ show or just a mix up in listing shows? Some sites list this show occurring in the Grande Ballroom. The original Grande had closed a couple of months earlier. It is likely that the band did this show on October 10th before the Who show, or on November 1…..but not both.
December 29, 1969 – The Chicago Pop Festival, Aragon Ballroon, Chicago, IL 1106 W. Lawrence Avenue (w/ Howlin’ Wolf, Coven, the Stooges, HotSetUp, Baby Huey, Mason Proffit, Rotary Connection, Bangor Flying Circus, Bob Seeger, MC 5, Pacific Gas and Electric, and Litter) Oddly, the Aragon was briefly called ‘The Cheetah’ in 1966-7.
Dec 31, 1969 – Toronto Masonic Temple Auditorium (formerly The Rock Pile) New Years Eve (w/ Teegarden & Vanwinkle, Keith McKie, Moonshine)

A blurry newspaper photo, probably taken in 1969. It appeared in some newspaper articles in early 1970. This one was from an obscure paper in Mattoon, Illinois (January, 70)
Winter of 1969 – 70 – Diary of a Mad Housewife is filmed. Band has small part, near the beginning
Screen grab of Glen in the movie…..
Unknown venue – probably 1969